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Announcing Creative Concoctions #2 – Vegan or Nistisimes (Lenten Recipes)

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Thank you all for your participation to the first Creative Concoctions Round-up and for the incredibly creative recipes sent in from foodies all over the world.

To recap on what I have mentioned yesterday, first of all we have a new logo for the event which you can proudly display on your post for your Creative Concoctions and secondly for the reasons explained in yesterday’s post there will also be a giveaway.

For this fortnight I’m delighted to announce that the event will have a theme:


Vegan Recipes: No meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal derived products are allowed.

Nistisimes (Lenten Recipes):

Orthodox Lent is a time of fasting, which is almost vegan, which means abstaining from foods that contain animals with red blood (meats, poultry, game) and products from animals with red blood (milk, cheese, eggs, etc.) as well as fish and seafood with backbones.

The only difference to vegans is that mollusks like squid, octopus, shrimps, mussels etc., are allowed as well as fish roe, honey and gelatin, so entries with these products will be allowed.

Here are the rules:

1. Post a recipe of a creative dish you have created. It can be strictly vegan but the Lenten Recipes are also acceptable. Tell us if you have created the recipe or what changes you have made to make it your own.

2. Please e-mail your entries at ivyliac AT gmail DOT com. Posts must contain the phrase Creative Concoctions and must include a link to Kopiaste.. to Greek Hospitality. Feel free to use the new logo if you like.

3. In your email please include Creative Concoctions # 2 in the subject as well as the following information, which copy paste and fill the details:

  • M Name:
  • My Blog Name/URL:
  • My Post URL:
  • My Location:
  • Attach a photo (500 px wide).

(If you don’t know how to do this please send me a big picture and I will resize it for you).

4. For those not having a food related blog but would like to participate you may e-mail the recipe to me with the name of the dish, a photo, your name and location and provided you comply with the rules, the recipe will be hosted here on my blog as a guest post on your behalf.

5. Only recipes in English are acceptable, so if you have a blog in an other language, the recipe must be translated into English.

6. Please send your entries from 1 – 14 April and the round-up will be posted on the 15th April.

7. There are no other restrictions and you are free to link to other events as well.

I look forward to reading everyone’s entries, so join the fun with your yummy concoctions 🙂

Lenten Recipes (mostly vegan)

During the Greek Orthodox Fasting period, meat and animal prod­ucts (cheese, milk, butter, eggs, lard), fish (meaning fish with backbones), olive oil and wine (all alcoholic drinks) are not consumed during the weekdays of Great Lent  Octopus and shell-fish are allowed, as is vegetable margarine, shortening, and vegetable oils, gelatin, olives, as well as honey are allowed.



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