has announced a new promotion tool this past week called the Kindle Countdown Deals.
It gives the authors the opportunity to promote their books but also a big bargain for people to buy books at very low prices.
I have enrolled in this program which starts as from today in the United States and tomorrow in the U.K. and ends in one week.
Amazon launched a dedicated website at and for readers to browse deals.
Here are the links for my e-books.
At Volume 1 $0.99
At Volume 2 $0.99
At Amazon.U.K.: Volume 1 £0.99
At Amazon U.K.: Volume 2 £0.99
The first 53 hours my books will be discounted at 91% so each volume will be sold at $0.99 at Amazon.Com or £0.99 at Amazon.Uk. After the 53 hours it will be sold at 61% discount and the next 53 hours at 31%. At the end of the week the price will be back to normal again.
Here are a few facts about the e-books:
Cypriot cuisine is shaped by the island’s Mediterranean climate, geography, and history. The majority of its recipes are based on Greek cuisine and the Mediterranean Diet, which is one of the healthiest in the world, using fresh, wholesome ingredients. Cyprus’s strategic location in the Eastern Mediterranean, situated between the crossroads of three continents, had brought to the island many conquerors and thus its cuisine has evolved into an amalgamation of diverse tastes and textures, with an unmistakable mark that makes it undeniably Cypriot.
These e-cookbooks are based on the cookbook in print under the same tile but expanded with a collection of over 260 of the best traditional Greek-Cypriot recipes and is divided in two Volumes.
In Volume 1 you will find all the savory Main Dishes, Side Dishes, Mezedes & Salads, Dips, etc.
Some popular Cypriot main dishes are Sheftalia, Kolokassi, Koupepia, Ravioles, Savoro, Souvla, Afelia, Ttavas, Atthoi, Kouneli Stifado, Keftedes, Souvlakia etc.
Here are a few sides dishes and salads: Pilafi Pourgouri, Pilafi me Fide, Kroketes, Salata Horiatiki, Salads with Halloumi, etc.
In Volume 2 you will find Breads, Pites (pies), snacks, almyra (savoury pastries), traditional and modern Desserts, etc.
Koupes, Eliotes, Flaounes, Kifylla, Pittes (flatbread), Glistarkes, Tahinopites, Tyropita/Halloumopita, Pites (Savory Pies, such as Spanakopita, Tyropita, etc.), Kolokotes, Lahmacun, Mini Phyllo Tyropita Muffins, etc.
Traditional desserts such as Shiamishi, Pastitsia (almond cookies), Daktyla, Palouzes, Karaoloi, Kourabiedes, Loukoumia tou Gamou (Wedding cakes), Melomakarona, Baklavas, Cakes / Vassilopita, Kalon Prama, etc.
This period until Christmas and the New Year is a period we exchange wishes. Instead of sending Christmas cards, why not send an e-book? We Greeks apart from our Birthdays, we also celebrate our name days, so again instead of sending a Card, with only 0.99 cents you can send a wonderful gift to any of your Greek / Cypriot family or friends, which will be greatly appreciated.
Here are a few of the most common names celebrating thoughout this period:
21st November: Despoina, Maria, Marika, Maro, Marios.
25th November: Katerina, Catherine, Katy, Korina.
26th November: Stelios, Stella.
30th November: Andrew, Andreas, Andriana, Androulla, Andri.
04th Dececember: Varvara, Barbara, Vana.
05th December: Savvas, Savvina.
06th December: Nicos, Nick, Nikki, Nikoleta.
09th December: Anne, Anna, Annita.
12th December: Spyros, Spiridoula.
15th December: Lefkios, Leftki, Danae, Anthea, Anthoula, Anthi, Adam, Eleftheria, Lefteris, Rebecca.
17th December: Dionysis, Nionios, Dionysia.
19th December: Aglaia, Aris.
25th December: Christos, Christia, Christina, Bethlehem.
26th December: Emmanuel, Manolis, Emmanouella, Emma.
27th December: Stephanos, Steven, Stefanie, Stefania.
1st January: Vassilis, Basil, Bill, Vassiliki, Biki, Vicky, Vasso.
If you don’t have a kindle, you can still download and enjoy these books. Simply download the kindle app to your laptop or desktop and enjoy!
Download Kindle app here.
On a last note, if you have already possess my cookbook or will be buying it now, please, please, please, do me a favour and take a few minutes to leave a review at the Amazon store where you bought the cookbook. Even if it is a gift and you have made any purchase in the past, you can still leave a review.
I have more exciting news to share. My new e-cookbook in English called “More Than A Greek Salad”, with over 250 recipes based on the Mediterranean Diet, with Menu plans to help you follow a healthy diet and even loose weight, is almost ready.
To all my Food Bloggers friends: If you would like to receive a free copy, to prepare any recipe, which you should post on your blog and then write a review on Amazon, please contact me leaving a comment and I will get back to you with more details.
Kopiaste and Kali Orexi,