The holidays are just around the corner so it’s time to think what presents to buy for our beloved ones.
Here in Greece, we are usually last minute buyers. We never plan ahead and end up rushing the last minute to buy some presents, not to mention that what’s left from our income is never enough to buy presents for everyone during the holiday. We usually end up making quick decisions which end up in bad choices of presents.
A few days ago, I was contacted by Zoulovits, which is one of the oldest shops in Athens, if I wanted to review one of their good luck charms. How could I refuse! Who doesn’t need some good luck, especially with all that’s going on in our country the past three years?
You may be familiar with good luck charms, from your own culture, as I believe that most cultures have their own, but are you familiar with symbols which are about good luck charms, called “gouri – pl. gouria” in Greece? Some of these symbols are seen as lucky and other symbols are seen as having the ability to bring good fortune.
I took a look in their e-shop to choose what I liked. They have such and amazing collection of handmade “gouria” that it was difficult to choose from.
Pomegranates are symbols of fertility, good luck and abundance.
The eye protects you are and your family from the evil eye.
Shoe petals are symbols of happiness and also protect against the evil eye.
Four leaf clovers are not only for good luck but each leaf symbolizes, love, faith, hope and of course good luck.
An olive branch symbolizes peace, rejuvenation, tranquility and protection.
A sailing boat symbolizes hope, travel and speedy news.
I am sure you have all seen ancient Greek athletes, crowned with wild an olive wreath.
The wild olive wreath, in Greek called “kotinos”, symbolizes eternal glory and success.
All the designs were beautiful but I loved the one with the olive wreath, without reading, at the time, about what it symbolizes. The following day the courier arrived with the parcel.
In the box, the gift was beautifully packed in a bag and in the bag the good luck charm was in a lovely pouch. The good luck charm was much even better and bigger than how I imagined it to be from the picture.
I hanged it in a lovely spot in house house. Unfortunately although I took some pictures, the lighting was poor and the picture is not very good.
What I am going to say may seem a little bit fake but it’s the whole truth. As I said above, the situation in Greece is not good at all and 50% of the younger generation are unemployed. This charm brought luck to our family the same day it arrived. I don’t want to jinx it so I am not going to say any more, you’ll have to take my word for it.
Was it a coincidence or good luck I don’t know but whatever it was, we are very happy and relieved. The good luck charms are beautiful and since this brought luck to my family, this year I’ve decided to send good luck charms to people who are important in my life.
If you are visiting Athens, you can visit their shop which is in the city centre, at Ermou Street, Nr. 23 – 25. You can also buy them through their e-store and they despatch them by courier, anywhere in Greece and Cyprus for only 4.99 Euros. In case to want to send a gift to other European countries, you can contact them for further information about the price, as this will depend on size and weight.
Each year they have a good luck charm symbolizing a “home”. This “gouri” symbolizes the warmth and safety of having a family and roof over your head. For each sale, one (1) Euro goes to the Villages called SOS, where children with no family are fostered and taken care of. The house is made of bronze, decorated with a read cord and a small red pomegranate.
Kopiaste and Kali Orexi,