Hummus or hoummous is a Middle Eastern dip made from mashed chickpeas and blended with tahini, garlic, lemon juice, spices and olive oil.
Kaloirka is a traditional Cypriot recipe, which is a pasta dish filled with minced veal or beef, similar to meat ravioli or tortellini.
Flaounes pr. flah-OU-ness (singular flaouna) is a traditional Cypriot Easter cheese bread made with an aromatic yeasted phyllo dough, filled with a special Cypriot cheese, called Pafitiko, made during the Easter period especially for flaounes, flavoured with Masticha (mastic resin), mahlepi (mahleb) and mint.
Sheftali pl. Sheftalia are Cypriot oval shaped crépinettes, made with minced pork, herbs and spices which are then wrapped in caul fat and barbecued.
Halloumi is indigenous to Cyprus and is one of a few cheeses made in Cyprus, so as a Cypriot and a food blogger this is something I wanted to try and make myself.
Halloumi with Caramelized Poached Dry Fruit is a dessert made with grilled halloumi served with dried fruit, poached and cooked with commarndaria.
Cypriot pitta bread are much different to the Greek pitas. They are flatbread like the other pita but are different in shape and in taste.
Koupes with Mushrooms is a snack we love eating in Cyprus, during the fasting period. These are available in most bakeries but you can also buy them frozen in the supermarkets.
Pischies is a Cypriot traditional fried pastry dessert made with dough on which it is generously brushed with olive oil, cinnamon and sugar and after shaping them they are fried in olive oil and then bathed in syrup.
Koupes, is a street food we find in Cyprus, made of bulgur wheat and filled with ground meat, which is served as a snack or as part of a mezes dish.