Μy friend Nuria, of Spanish recipes, posted this recipe which I really liked, so a couple of days later I decided to make it. I have not changed anything to this recipe and I must say it was just as Nuria described it in her post. Best of all were the croquettes and I was …
Yesterday I didn’t know what to prepare for lunch and remembered that I had some lasagna in my pantry which were there for quite a long time. I had some vegetables, bell peppers and mushrooms and some spring onions, carrots, parsley and eggplants from last week’s visit to the farmers’ market, which needed to be …
I found about sumac reading various recipes but this is not a spice you can get in your neighbourhod supermarket here in Greece. Perhaps you can find it in large supermarkets or in small shops selling middle eastern products but those are not easy to find. A few weeks ago, when my son went to …
Kotopoulo me hilopites is a Greek dish with baked chicken in tomato sauce and then hilopites, egg noodles, are cooked in the sauce.
Mpamies (okra) is a summer favourite dish. Instead of cooking the classic vegan dish, you can make this hearty dish by adding chicken as well.
As much as I love cooking, there are a few days that I want to cook something quick and easy and what is easier than a pasta dish? This week the temperature was around 40 degrees C in Athens, so every morning my husband and I leave early in the morning and go for swimming, …
This simple and flavourful grilled chicken recipe is fit for any diet. The marinade tenderizes the meat to create a juicy end result your whole family will love.
It’s nearly summer here in Greece and I had made up my mind to start a diet after Easter and at last I am ready for it.However, you will still be seeing food which is not diet food but I have a lot of recipes I have prepared but not wrote about and of course …
This pasta dish is very versatile so you can easily improvise with the ingredients you have at hand. You can use mushrooms, broccoli, artichokes, courgettes, eggplants etc. During fasting time (or for vegans) of course I don’t add the chicken and I don’t use cheese in the pesto and it is fantastic. Serve with feta! …
My friend Elly, is hosting the event Eat to the Beat. Actually, I was planning to prepare something else for her event but I did not have time to prepare it as I will be away for a few days. I was planning “Torta Fragola” an Italian recipe for Strawberry cake which I hope to …