It’s nearly summer here in Greece and I had made up my mind to start a diet after Easter and at last I am ready for it.However, you will still be seeing food which is not diet food but I have a lot of recipes I have prepared but not wrote about and of course my family still needs to eat, so I will be preparing cakes and desserts for them.
I am not on a strict diet yet but yesterday I prepared a lovely chicken salad, which is worth mentioning.
I’m sending this recipe to Anh of Food Lovers Journey, who is the host of this week’s Weekend Herb Blogging, created by Kalyn of Kalyn’s Kitchen.
I am also sending the photo of this salad to Michelle, of Greedy Gourmet, for her event Snackshot #4, Salads.
Chicken Salad with Veggies
Preparation time:20 minutes
1 boiled chicken breast
Red, yellow, orange peppers
1 cup of Rocket
1 small Cos Lettuce
10 Cherry tomatoes
1 small cucumber
2 spoonfuls of Parsley
4 hard boiled eggs
2 – 3 spoonfuls of walnuts
4 Olives
For the salad dressing:
2 tbsp tzatziki
2 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp mustard
2 tbsp red wine or cider vinegar
Boil chicken breast and cut into small pieces. (Reserve broth for other recipes). Wash and slice the peppers, coarsely cut the lettuce and rockets, halve the cherry tomatoes, slice the cucumber, finely chop the parsley, quarter the eggs (I used some of the Easter eggs and still have some), pit the olives and crush the walnuts.Add, salt, pepper, oregano and dressing.
For the dressing I used 2 spoonfuls of my leftover tzatziki, 2 spoonfuls of my leftover mayonnaise, 1 spoonful of mild mustard and 2 spoonfuls of cider vinegar, which I mixed them together.
Kopiaste and Kali Orexi,
Friday 9th of May 2008
Sounds very delicious. Love the way you have the peppers around the edge of the plate. (This would be perfect for my diet too!)
Monday 5th of May 2008
Hola Nuria, It's my first official day today. I hate diets and if it wasn't for health reasons I would stay "fat". But I have to loose some extra weight because I have back problems. I shall start posting some diet dishes but like you I still have to cook for the family. So let's help each other chica.
Monday 5th of May 2008
He, he... Ivy welcome to diet land! I'm having such a hard time to follow mine :( First all the wonderful dishes I have to cook for my family and second, we are having all these little holiday days and that's free day diet... I'm nearly same weight as the beggining!!!
Good luck with yours! Your salad looks sooooo good!
Friday 2nd of May 2008
Val, it's not fair. I don't feel comfortable now. Of course, I would want to offer to both you and Ben and Cynthia. I didn't know that Nuria received it from somewhere else. You shouldn't have given it back to me. Thank you.
Friday 2nd of May 2008
Ivy, the picture is just gorgeous and the dressing sounds so good. Welcome to the diet club, we should really start a diet club here, so many of us are going into diets lately :-p