Lamb Fricassee is a Greek dish with white sauce made with eggs and lemon juice, called Avgolemono. It can be made with either lamb or goat and the addition of various vegetables varies, depending on the season.
Anginares à la polita is a dish originating from Constantinople, in Greek Constantinoupolis, also called “Polis” meaning the city of Constantine. Therefore this dish means “artichokes city-style”.
Anginarosoupa, is a healthy and delicious Artichoke and Celeriac soup made from fresh artichokes, onions, garlic, celery and many other vegetable.
Ιif you have gallbladder disease and/or gallstones, following a healthy gallbladder diet can have a large impact on your health. A gallbladder diet is similar to a “regular” healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, minimal animal fats such as dairy, butter, fatty meat, and eggs, no fried foods and “white” and processed foods should be avoided.
This artichoke lasagna is a fabulous dish made with fresh artichokes, layered with bolognaise sauce and topped with luscious Greek bechamel sauce.
Agginaropita is a delicious Greek pie made with artichokes and leeks. It is is great for lunch with a salad and leftovers can be eaten for breakfast or brunch.
Artichokes are native to the Mediterranean and appear during spring. They are a variety of a species of thistle cultivated as a food.