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Revithia giahni sti gastra is a vegan dish with stewed chickpeas, traditionally cooked in a clay pot and baked in a wood burning oven.  However, not all of us have wood burning ovens or clay pots but we can still cook it in a Dutch oven or any casserole dish in our home oven.   If you don’t have any of the above, use a baking tin which cover with an aluminium tent.

Read More about Revithia giahni sti gastra (stewed chickpeas) and a virtual tour to Sparti

Vazania, as they are called in the Cypriot dialect, (in Greece they are called melitzanes), is a simple dish made withe fried eggplants and potatoes, which are cooked, together in a tomato sauce to make them “giahni” (stewed).  This vegan dish, uses only a few ingredients, so it’s not only frugal but also very delicious.

Read More about Vazania (melitzanes) giahni (stewed eggplants)
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