I miss you all.. Sorry I haven’t been around for a while. I am writing this post as some of you are e-mailing me, wondering why I am not around. Thank you all for asking.
The Acropolis Museum is an archaeological museum focused on the findings of the archaeological site of the Acropolis of Athens.
Lisa, our Siamese cat died today. She was 12 years old.
I hope you enjoyed reading Part I of our trip to Northern Greece and I hope I will not bore you with this long post, but there were many things I wanted you to see. I am dedicating this post to all my Greek friends who live abroad and would like to find out more about Greece.
This was sent to me by my friend Jo from N.Y. I haven’t checked them out to see if they work but I see that most of them should work and some could be very useful, so it’s up to you to decide if you would like to try them. Peel a banana from the …
Me in iconography class LANDSCAPE My first oil painting Exactly a year ago if someone would tell me that you could paint I would tell them that I am not even capable of drawing a straight line (furthermore to paint) and would laugh at them. When I decided to close the bookshop and I was …
Don’t panic. Transfer food in another saucepan without scraping and add necessary fluid. In this way your remaining food will not smell. Regarding cleaning of pan, add hot water and 1 tablet of the dish washer and leave for a few hours and then clean.