Hortosoupa (pr. chor-TOH-sou-pah) or The Bing Bang Vegetable Veloute Soup, as I call it, is a Greek hearty velouté vegetable soup with star shaped pasta, which can be adapted with more vegetables.
Kreatosoupa is a Greek soup made with veal and lots of vegetables. I also call this soup clean up your fridge soup, as you can use any or all optional vegetables in the recipe.
Fish mayonnaise, is a cold dish that typically consists of boiled fish, vegetables and mayonnaise.
What better than a nice hot soup on a cold day like today? When Lisa from Lisa’s Kitchen and Holler from Tinned Tomatoes asked us to prepare a Vegetarian soup, to be frank I did not have a recipe. The only vegetarian soups I make are houmous chickpea soup and lentils soup and that I …
Giouvarlakia, pronounced yiou-var-LA-kia, is a Greek soup with meatballs using ground veal, pork or chicken, rice, herbs and spices cooked and thickened with a lemony avgolemono sauce.
The traditional Greek avgolemono soup is made only with rice which is boiled in the broth of chicken which we have previously boiled to take the broth. It is then thickened with the avgolemono sauce.
Hoummous Soup is a unique twist on traditional hummus, transforming the beloved dip into a satisfying meal.