Tsoureki flower is a type of Greek style sweet brioche bread made during Easter but shaped into a flower.
Easter traditions
Traditional Lambriatika Koulourakia (also called Paschalina Koulourakia), are Greek Easter butter cookies, which are traditionally made only during Easter and have a distinct flavour as baking ammonia is used as the leavening agent.
Ovelias is a Greek Easter tradition where a whole lamb is roasted on the spit. The word ovelias pronounced Oh-veh-LI-as comes from the ancient Greek word “ovelos” which used to be a wooden or steel rod, where pieces of meat were skewered on and slowly cooked. Nowdays, the word “ovelias” means a whole lamb cooked for Easter on the spit.
Flaounes pr. flah-OU-ness (singular flaouna) is a traditional Cypriot Easter cheese bread made with an aromatic yeasted phyllo dough, filled with a special Cypriot cheese, called Pafitiko, made during the Easter period especially for flaounes, flavoured with Masticha (mastic resin), mahlepi (mahleb) and mint.
Koulourakia Paschalina are Greek Easter Traditional Cookies, which are crispy outside and soft inside, full of orange flavour.
Magiritsa is a traditional Greek Easter offal soup which is the first thing served after the midnight mass on Saturday evening.
These mini flaounes or flaounitses as we call them, are easy to make and are an excellent snack and the perfect finger food for parties.