Tyropita (pronounced Ti-ROH-pee-tah) is usually made made with layers of buttered phyllo and filled with feta. In this Tyropita I used Kataifi and five different kind of cheeses. You can add only feta if you prefer and other cheese that melt well when baking.
Kotopoulo Psito sto Fourno is Greek roasted chicken, with extra virgin olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, oregano, garlic and lemon juice. “Kotopoulo” is chicken, “psito” means roast and “sto fourno” means baked in the oven.
Greek Fried Potatoes, in Greek called Patates Tiganites, (pr. pah-TAH-tess Tee-ghah-nee-TESS), are fried in olive oil, with oregano sprinkled on top.
This cabbage and carrot salad is so simple but yet so delicious. This is a very classic winter salad you will find in restaurants in Greece throughout winter till spring using just a few ingredients.
Moussakas (pr. mouh-sah-KHAS), is a casserole of layered sautéed slices of potatoes and eggplants (in some places they also add zucchini and tomatoes), with the meat sauce (either pork or veal) in the middle layer and topped with a lush layer of béchamel sauce and myzithra or graviera cheese, baked in the oven.
Fakes moutzentra is a lentil recipe we make in Cyprus and is a high protein, balanced healthy food, especially with the combination of rice.
Rice Pilaf (Rizi Pilafi), is one of the easiest side dishes, made with long grain white rice and stock. It takes about 10 – 20 minutes to cook and it a great side dish to any meat dish with a red or white sauce.
Avgolemono, from the words avgo = egg and lemoni = lemon, is a Greek sauce made with eggs, lemons and stock from the food we are cooking. It takes a little practice to learn How to make Avgolemono sauce, but it’s not diffficult at all if you follow my instructions.
When you sauté meat do not put too much oil in saucepan. Put only as much as to cover bottom of saucepan. Never sauté meat which is still frozen. Never put a lid on top of hot oil. When frying use the special top which is like a metal sieve If you get burnt and …
Some foods need to be kept in the fridge to help stop bacteria from growing on them, such as food with a ‘use by’ date, cooked food and ready-to-eat food such as desserts. To help stop bacteria from growing, remember: When you’re preparing food, keep it out of the fridge for the shortest time possible. …