A moist, buttery and subtly flavoured lemon sponge, with pastry cream between the layers and topped with salted caramel and whipped cream.
The World Culinary ABC
“Härzlech willkomme in Lozärn” and welcome to the World Culinary ABC event. We have enjoyed seeing bloggers hosting and participating in this event where food bloggers virtually travel around the globe in search of recipes to cook for the country or town they are hosting. Today, the town I am featuring and hosting is Lucerne, in Switzerland. …
“Viral” is a fashionable word these days. Something goes “viral” because everybody knows it, talks about it, wants it. Well, the European Community ABC didn’t go viral, but in reading again its announcement post from December 2012, I see that it talked about 16 blogs that were announcing together a virtual culinary tour of the …