Moustokouloura are Greek cookies made with Petimezi, which is a concentrated syrup made of grape juice, which is used as a sweetener.
Chocolate puddings are sweet, creamy desserts made primarily from milk, sugar, and chocolate. Puddings typically have a smooth and thick consistency, similar to custard or mousse.
Milopita is the Greek word for apple pie and this Greek “milopita” is made with “epsima”, a concentrated grape syrup, which gives it its unique taste.
These vegan choco-strawberries are very easy to make and taste amazing. They can be dipped in any kind of chocolate but I made them during the fasting period, using a certain brand of dark chocolate which is vegan.
Hello from Athens again. I’ve been trying to write a blog post when I was in Assini for over a week unsuccessfully and I haven’t been visiting my friends’ blogs for quite a long time. Please forgive me but there are a lot of distractions in the countryside. You can read a post on our …
Moustalevria, also known as “palouzes” is a traditional Greek dessert that has been enjoyed for many years. The main ingredient in moustalevria is “mousto,” which is grape must or freshly pressed grape juice that is boiled down to a thick, sweet syrup.
Kattimerka, is a traditional pastry dessert, similar to pischies but instead of being fried, these are cooked in a traditional frying pan called sadji. Sadji resembles like the Arab Saj, however, unlike the Arab saj, which is dome shaped, the Cypriot sadji resembles more like a wok. You can use a wok or any non-stick sautéing pan.