Everybody loves a good lamb pie wrapped in puff pastry and this one is made with leftover lamb on the spit, a few days after Easter with the addition of leeks, spring onions, dill and graviera cheese, which is just delicious!
This Spring salad is easy to make with leftover Easter Eggs. This is based on a salad we used to make on Easter day in Cyprus and I have enriched it with more herbs, which makes it delicious and also very healthy.
Kokoretsi is a traditional Greek Easter dish consisting mainly of seasoned lamb or goat offal wrapped with lamb or goat intestines.
Ovelias is a Greek Easter tradition where a whole lamb is roasted on the spit. The word ovelias pronounced Oh-veh-LI-as comes from the ancient Greek word “ovelos” which used to be a wooden or steel rod, where pieces of meat were skewered on and slowly cooked. Nowdays, the word “ovelias” means a whole lamb cooked for Easter on the spit.
Tsourekia (singular tsoureki) pronounced tsou-RHAE-khia, is a kind of brioche sweet bread which is made in Greece during Easter.
Koulourakia Paschalina are Greek Easter Traditional Cookies, which are crispy outside and soft inside, full of orange flavour.
Chef’s salad is very popular in Greece and you will find it served in most restaurants. This recipe is my twist to the classic recipe made with a homemade sauce. This is a beloved salad, easy to make but so tasty which will be a hit to your guests.