On Saturday 18th April, 2015 it was National Museum day so we decided to visit the archaeological site of Nemea, which is about 45 km north-west to Assini. The site of ancient Nemea lies in a small upland valley. Its name derives from the Greek word “nemos”, which means meadow, pasture. Its location, which was in …
Galaktoboureko in kantaifi nests is a twist of two classic Greek recipes: Galaktoboureko, which is a pastry with semolina pudding and Kantaifi, which is a pastry filled with nuts.
Hello my friends, It’s been three months since the last time I wrote a blog post. As most of you know my husband and I were away in Cyprus the past three months working in a restaurant. It was a lovely experience working in a professional kitchen. I won’t be sharing food photos as it …
Open Walk is an event organized by Atenistas, which is about walking in the city centre and discovering gastronomic delights.
In my previous post we went to Monastiraki and from there we walked to the Ancient Agora, where we visited the Stoa of Attalus, the Museum and the Temple of Hephaestus. Then we strolled in the Youssourum (flea market). Today we are going to visit Anafiotika, which is a scenic tiny neighborhood of Athens, part of the old historical neighborhood called Plaka.
Monastiraki is one of the most interesting places to visit when in Athens. Monastiraki, which means “little Monastery” was the site of one of the largest monasteries in Athens. The Monastery was demolished during archaeological excavations in the 19th century.
Nafplion is one of my favourite towns in Greece. I fell in love with this town the very first time I visited it many, many years ago. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, I have visited it during all seasons and each season is equally attractive and beautiful. This post is long due but rather late than, …
Commandaria, which is one of the best Cypriot wines, is a sweet dessert wine, produced in Cyprus for millenia, made from sundried grapes, xynisteri and mavro (black).
Revithia giahni sti gastra is a vegan dish with stewed chickpeas, traditionally cooked in a clay pot and baked in a wood burning oven. However, not all of us have wood burning ovens or clay pots but we can still cook it in a Dutch oven or any casserole dish in our home oven. If you don’t have any of the above, use a baking tin which cover with an aluminium tent.
Kokoras Bardouniotikos is a stewed rooster recipe from Lakonia. In the classic recipe there are no potatoes in it but is served with pasta, such as hilopites. The meat and onions are browned in olive oil before stewing and then it is simmered until cooked. In the end a lot of sphella cheese (a spicy, hard feta) and some kalamata olives are added and the combination of cloves and cinnamon is what gives this dish its unique Greek flavor.