It’s been ages ago (early December) since my friend P.G. of My Kitchen Stories, has awarded me with the Hard Working Food Blogger, Award and it’s not that I forgot about it but I did not find much time to blog about it with all the work which has to be done with BloggerAid. A few days ago, another dear friend, Cake, of Laws of the Kitchen, awarded me with the Lemonade Award, so when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Thanks P.G. and Cake for thinking about me.
It is true that the majority of bloggers work very hard just for the fun of it. They have their daily jobs, a family and children to take care of, give all their heart to cook something delicious for their families and in the little time left to relax, find time to blog about what they love doing and then visit their friends and leave a lovely comment. I just wanted to tell you that I have not forgotten you and I hope that as soon as I can, I will start visiting all of you again. There are a lot of people who deserve these awards but as it is late and I will be going to bed soon, these Awards go to my friends who, although I do not visit them as often as I want to, still visit me regularly. They are the ones who leave a message every day.
If you are reading this post, these awards are for you, so please accept them with all my love.
P.G. of My Kitchen Stories, gave me the Hard Working Food Blogger Award.
Gaye, of Laws of the Kitchen has awarded me with the Lemonade Award.
Thursday 30th of September 2010
congratulations, you deserve it because you are really hard working.
Friday 30th of January 2009
Sorry for the spelling error - I mean deserve.
Friday 30th of January 2009
You sure do derve these awards and I think there is another award you should have. It's waiting for you at my blog!
Thursday 29th of January 2009
You deserve it, Ivy!