A delicious Vassilopita Cake, infused with the aromas and blends of orange and almond, to celebrate the coming of the New year!
New year
Every year the economic situation is getting worse , especially here in Greece. We are still grateful to have food on our plates but things are expected to get worse during the new year, as more austerity measures have already been announced. Every year I put a list of holiday food for my readers to …
It’s another New Year again. I do not like making resolutions I will not keep but here are a few things to keep in mind. Look back at the past, with FORGIVENESS, ahead to the future with HOPE and OPTIMISM, look down with UNDERSTANDING, and keep your heads up with GRATITUDE! Wishing you all a …
It is New Year’s Day here in Greece, still early in the morning (almost noon), when most of the family is still asleep (still asleep). Our friends in Australia are getting ready to party whereas in the United States, they are fast asleep (or just waking up). I wanted to take a moment (it …
Brining a turkey makes it moistier. You can either brine it in a water solution with salt, water, sugar and spices or dry brine it.