Makaronia tou Fournou means pasta baked in the oven and is a common dish in Cyprus, often served as a main course, with a salad but in Cyprus it is an essential dish during all celebrations.
Htapodi (octopus) is one of the most delicious Greek seafood dishes. This dish is cooked in a tomato sauce and then in the sauce we cook the pasta.
Ravioles is a Cypriot specialty, similar to ravioli, probably having its roots from the Venetian times. In Cyprus this pasta dish is filled with aged halloumi, eggs and mint and they are cooked in chicken broth.
Moschari Kokkinisto me Kritharaki is a Greek dish made with stewed veal and orzo pasta is cooked in the sauce. Although this dish is usually cooked with veal, it can also be made with beef of buffalo meat, lamb, pork, rabbit or chicken.
This quick and easy Fussili dish, although made much healthier than an a regular pasta dish, it is still bursting with flavour. A recipe everybody loves, especially the children.